Why Can't We Be Ourselves?

'Help me my Creator to accept who I am and not be tempted to think I can besomeone else."
~ from "DesertWind" desertwind1125@hotmail.com
Why can't we just be OURSELVES? Lately I've noticed that more and more people are comparing themselves to others rather than focusing on what's unique about them. We are all individuals, lovely and unique in our own ways, thus is why we are individuals. We are not copies of someone else. We are not, though it may seem to be a cool possibility, to be characters in a novel, either. I watched a great episode of "Charmed" today and it was about a long ago student there at the magick school who wrote a book and got his brother involved. They created this book to live out the story, IN THE BOOK! It went terribly wrong, the characters turned on their creators and killed one of the students that created him! The brother was stuck in the story for 20 years because the only way out was for the story to end! This made me think and it also compares to some pretty deep thoughts I've had about those around me both online and in my life outside of the Internet.
Some of the people I know are openly saying that, in essence, they are these (or so much like them they *could* be) famous people in whatever field they are in. The latest one is in the paranormal field and who they compare themselves to and say they could be this person and that only this famous person could relate to what they've seen and experienced, I'll also keep to myself. However, these statements bothered me so much I've thought a lot about them and decided to speak out. The person that is comparitave in question only has two years more experience than me in this field, however, they know nothing at all of my own experiences and won't for a reason. My point is this. I've never, ever felt the need of comparison to another nor will I because I'm happy with who I am, not who I could be or have similar experiences as. I was taught this growing up and it's a huge part of the reality of becoming an adult. I'm a almost 32 year old paranormal investigator that has 10 + years experience in the field and personal experience that some probably would not believe if they heard all of it. There is a "but" to this statment and that is but I never thought to compare my own stuff with that of others unless I was actively talking to someone and the subject came up. I do identify with others but I do so in an empathetic manner, not in comparison or trying to be someone I'm NOT.
There can only be ONE of each of us, no matter how many experiences we have, talents we possess, idea we have and make come to fruitation. This is one of the problems I've came across with my show also, but the "help" is just as bad as the attacker! I've written already about my feelings about the accusations of my "copying" someone else's show, which I did not. I didn't even know who was on that show as I've only had time to listen to it twice. Fact is everyone screams "copy" at others but then they turn around and compare themselves to another saying they can be that person with all that fame (which they gained from hard work and experience, what they personally done to impact the general public one by one!) or are so similar to that person that they are the alternative to this person.
On a general level, at some point, either in our personal lives as in comparing yourself to a fictional character or celebrity (which there is nothing wrong with) in identifying traits, experiences, feelings or situations in that person or character's lives or story, or in our lives in the public eye we all compare ourselves to others and we may unintentionally "copy" something from another source. Surely only a fool would outright copy someone else in a position that is in the public eye or stance and go on to make this copy violation public. I do know that this happens almost daily, however, my point is do not share your valueables with fools because that is what they are. It is an outright fool that would steal from other's heads (whether ideas or something they created) as it is a fool to threaten someone with a "smite". Will it work? If it does, not for long!
This has nothing to do with identification or empathy as spoken of above and quite frankly it pisses me off and rightly so. However the best way to deal with them is ignoring them since this ploy, whether it is a copy-cat or an accuser (as in my case), because the whole thing has a single goal: attention!
I've always did my own thing and if that happens to be something in the vacinity of idenity of something or someone else, well, there's a lot of "like" things in this world. Someone else I do not wish to be, want to be or have any intention of making myself (or my show) like these idiots! I will express my own unique personality in any manner I choose, even if it seems like something that's already been done. I have no need for more creativity. If I lacked that I couldn't have done all I have done in my life completely alone, so I suggest that you look only at yourself. You know the speck in your neighbor's eye and plank in yours thing, to borrow the words of one Most Famous!
Only two words to the wise (or sentences) here:
The only way to be "cool" is to be yourself, because this takes the MOST courage.
I'd truly rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am NOT!
In closing, I help who I can on a local level and who I can online by teaching and being a friend. I'd sure hate to give up my own work to claim someone else's! This is why I placed the quote I did at the top of this post. It is sooo what I'm trying to say and been planning to say all week! I found it in a Daily Digest I get from a Yahoo! group I'm a member of. I do not claim it as my own!
Dragonfly Extreme ~ OUT!
