Fall Festival Instead of Halloween? HUH? WTF?!

Ok, so I need to GET OUT MORE OFTEN! I was just suprised by a statement on the internet about kids groaning when hearing the new(?) term "Fall Festival" used instead of Halloween! DO WHAT?! I'm completely confused, so I look it up on guess what, the EVIL Internet and I find something that makes me want to throw up my candy before I eat it and get that toothache I planned for this years new plans for a paranormal meltdown! Yup, now how can I have a paranormal meltdown for HALLOWEEN if there are no GHOSTS and it's now a FALL FESTIVAL?!

I usually don't notice the packages my candy comes in either, except for the safety inspections that became necessary when I was small. I look for the goodies inside. Who doesn't? Anyway, I saw something that made me throw my candy corn mixed with candy punkins down, no matter how bad a sweet tooth I had as is natural this time of year! Plop! Right down on the table it went! I huffed like a kid in HELL and swore revenge. Little did I know that my tantrum fit right in with the "New Halloween", Fall Festival "Theme"!

Since Halloween is a religious holiday for me, as I am Wiccan, I have no problem with intertwining the more serious term of Fall Festival because at first glance at the words, they are akin to a harvest feast in my mind. However, to my total horror, I find that this "Fall Festival" is totally a Christian creation and has blasted out all the fun stuff that kids and adults of any religion can enjoy.

Before you blow your lid, listen up! I don't hate Christians (as Wiccans are so wrongly accused of!), as a matter of fact, I have many Christian friends and we have no quarrels with each other! They let me do my thing, and vice versa. And that's it! Presto, we have peace among the little community of diverse religions that touched my personal life. So, what's the problem? Halloween does something that other holidays cannot do. To quote a favorite movie character here if you're asking "What?", then I will say only this, "You have to figure that out for yourself." See, it's an individual thing where anyone can be and do anything they want, within the law and reason of course. How often does everyone, and I mean every single person alive in the festive areas get the opportunity to be creative on this kind of level? How many times are we "allowed" to step how far out of the "social norm" that we want to and let our minds and bodies be free AT THE SAME TIME?! Answer that for me, please! And who the HELL wants to step into a Biblical Character? Do that in church on Sunday, good Christians should if they are to UNDERSTAND their religion! Who wants to get that child-like spirit out that we, as adults, put away the rest of the year and just dress up as what they want to be when they grow up (because they're already frekin grown, you idioit!)? Those are the choices. Take your pick. Oh, please don't forget to stop by Judgement House and get your ass scolded before you go home with those treats. Satan is awaiting for you and he is a nasty trickster, master of Confusion. He may STEAL your candy! Oh, and who the HELL put him in the Judgement Seat anyway? Is this really Biblical?

Just one more question, if I can't celebrate Halloween without looking like the Lone Ranger, and I can't pcik Satan as my "persona", then can I at least be his "Chief Demon"?!

Dragonfly Extreme ~ OUTTA HERE!!!

