Time ~ A Poem


by me

Time .....
It stands still ....
It comprehends ....
It is a mystery, perhaps the greatest of all.

Commend .... it's needs ....
Fate it's seed ... and it bleeds
Through the depths of the soul

Heals ... it heals for good or for ill.
It kills. It demands in it's relentless ways.
Take heed and listen to the silence
For that is it's bitter end when none is left
To enjoy
And in this moment be conscious of oneself
For this is it's truest test
And as for the rest ......
If it didn't take hold, it was not reality.

Grow again in somberness of that moment
When you recognize yourself again.
Only then can you recognize those around you
And know each other, truly know each other.

Know the ones you really love and the ones you hate ...
Is that such a bad thing?
You can't truly see until you recognize ....
And in that is the silence of Time.
