Am I Afraid Of Failure?

I've been procrastanating lately and reading a doctor's article on it only seemed to give as much light to the subject as a match. Do I need the psyhological therapy that is such a "hot" topic now days? No, I think that if I had taken the time to look inside myself a week or two ago, I may have gotten my goals accomplished by now. A simple look into a website was so hard? Oh, but I'm looking for nothing when I don't have the money for what I need! But these services were supposed to be for free, right? Didn't you read this the last time you looked at the site?, I would as myself. But I need to do so much more FIRST. But ... but ... but. There's too many "buts" in my life and not enough faces! The sad part of it is these things I've come to call "but-holes" from the lack of accomplishments I could have achieved, yet have not, are really fear! So now we have a new term for one of the worst dangers in our daily lives (FEAR!): "But-Holes"!

Voids now plague me where tasks could have been done. I may have been on the air by now, actually with the show! That's why fear is "But-Holes". I didn't have others standing around bossing me! I'm my own boss on this! Who could I look to for the "But-Holes"? ME!

Fear of failure, rejection, even things that you stand against and will not participate in such as competition can slip into the proverbial cauldron of "why not's" something shouldn't be done right away! That's when I realized that the ONLY way to STOP the "But-Holes" in my life was to stop myself in inaction and ask, "What am I afraid of?". Sure you can lie to yourself and sometimes you believe it but on a really deep down level, you always know the true answer. So, can we actually say that we can truly lie to ourselves?

I've never been a public personality, not on purpose. I'm surely not famous. I don't really know any famous people and that has never been a goal of mine or bothered me. I've made a point to be happy with who I am just the way I am and had quite a bit of success. So, what's the real problem? "Show" nerves? Lack of knowledge? Hardly for the latter! Nerveous is true but is that really keeping me from doing things that could have already been done? NO! I had to scream it!

Am I afraid of failure? YES! This means I need to sit back and re-define what true success is. If I had a thousand listeners and a thousand guests and no "content" or stuff I didn't like or enjoy, was supported by some network or live radio, would I determine myself a success? NO! If not that, then what would be a success? If I accomplished something that I loved and enjoy while reaching the goal I set out to reach! BAM! I have my answer. So, in light of the fact I already have what I want, which is very hard for some people to accept about themselves in itself, why am I not considering myself a success already by my own definition? Since I cannot answer why not, I think the very question answers the "WHY YES?"!

For all you procrastanors out there, here's a word of advice. You'll never get anything done until you address what is inside of you that your running from! Dragonfly Radio is no longer set back on the time-line! We will air on schedule!

End of personal rant!

Your Hostess,
The Dragonfly Extreme!


Brock Campbell said…
aaaaaamen. Just do it man. just do it.