Online Games!

There is a fine line between good and BAD online games! I love gaming but I am a child of the 80s who remembers when the very first video game came into the world! Now I love PS2 and find many online games lacking. So, in light of this I've went on a game quest to find the BEST online games there is! The new ones will be posted as "Game Quest #" as the Title, so be sure to look for more in the future. My #1 favorite online games site it NeoPets! Here is my NeoPet. Click her to check out the site and create an account for yourself. No matter your age, you won't regret it!

mistresssanguine got their Neopet at

The Pogo Online Game Community is another great place to fine games that are very entertaining!

Yet another great game I found at Free Games Jungle! To get to it from the main site, look to the left and click "Old Games". I really got hooked on Mahjong! You can find it on the OldSchool Games page that I just linked you to. Now you younger generation that have no clue what the real gaming was like when games were more than graphics and the real 80s and 90s eras were today and not past. My first computer game was Alien Invasion and it was on a Texas Instruments Computer, which they don't make anymore! How many of my readers have actually seen a new one and used one before??!! The version of the game on this website is close to the original version that I had back in the 80s on my high-powered machine! The graphics weren't that great but gameplay was and that is really all that matters. The first video game I played was Pac-Man at Skateland USA. I learned to skate and save my quarters for the arcade each week. When I ran out, daddy knew to have more! In the words of the genius Prince, "Dig if you will the picture ...." You're like a professional ice skater in the middle of the ring, skating as if you're the only one there. The smell of the best pizza to ever cross your lips fills the ring with you but the wind of your spin takes that all away and all that is left are huge speakers all around the building that rock the floor with ElDebarge screaming "The Rhythm of the Night" in surround sound you can't forget. This is your dream bedroom! Your own palace! And yes, ElDebarge I sure feel the beat! On the breaks from spinning until you loose your breath you chunk down all the pizza you can get away with, the true meal fit for the king/queen of the palace and head straight for the arcade to feed the largest addiction. Smells of pizza and lingering taste so sweet, dizziness is your climax, the neverending sound of quarters clinking into the machine slots for games and a beat that rocks your body until your forced out of the building by your parents who have some sort of "tired" mechanism in them that you just can't quite figure out yet. Friends, add the largest thrill of the yearly County Fair and this is your dream world! This is true to life 80s lifestyle! Only we didn't call it a "lifestyle", we simply called it Heaven! Oh, and please don't leave out your own TV with MTV! Can you feel it yet? I'm still vibrating from those days.

What? This post was about free online games, you say? Oh! Yes, well try these out. Let me know what you think. Stop by CandyStand, also. If you have good games, then please, let me know!
